Grammar » 37-2

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Free Japanese Quiz
for Beginners


A makes B to do
A allows B to do
Causative Formて-いただけませんか?

Please express using with a causative form.

Please touch “answer” to see the answer.

1. The coach made players run.
 コーチは せんしゅ ( ) (   )。


2. The company president made the employees work until late night.
 しゃちょうは しゃいん ( ) よる おそくまで (   )。


3. The mother made her child eat carrots which the child dislike.
 おかあさんは こども ( ) きらいな にんじん ( ) (   ) 。


4. The mother made her son do homework.
 おかあさんは むすこ ( ) しゅくだい ( ) (   )。


5. The father allowed his daughter to play at the park.
 おとうさんは むすめ ( ) こうえんで (   )。


6. I don’t feel well, so could you allow me to go home early today?
 きぶんが わるいので、きょうは はやく うちに (    )?



A makes B to do

Causative Form is used when “A” forces “B” do something or “A” instructs “B” to do something. Usually “A” is a person who is higher in rank more than “B”.

( A は ) B を Causative Form

Causative sentence with intransitive verbs
A person who is forced to do ( = “B” ) is marked by a particle ““.

こどもたちは じゅくへ いきました。

おかあさんは こどもたち じゅくへ いかせました
( The mother made her kids to go to a cram school. )
( A は ) B に … を Causative Form

Causative sentence with transitive verbs
A person who is forced to do ( = “B” ) is marked by a particle ““.

がくせいは ほんを よみました。

せんせいは がくせい ほん よませました
( The teacher mede the students read books. )

Verb Causative Form


A allows B to do

Causative Form is also used when “A” allows / permits “B” to do something or “A” lets “B’ do something.

( A は ) B を Causative Form

Causative sentence with intransitive verbs

せんしゅは やすみました。

コーチは せんしゅ やすませました
( The coach let the players take a rest. )
こどもは ひとりで いきました。

おとうさんは こども ひとりで いかせました
( The father allowed his child to go alone. )
( A は ) B に … を Causative Form

Causative sentence with transitive verbs

たなかさんは かいぎを はじめました。

もりさんは たなかさん かいぎを はじめさせました
( Mr. Mori let Ms.Tanaka start the meeting. )
むすこは ナイフを つかいました。

おとうさんは むすこ ナイフを つかわせました
( The father permitted his son to use a knife. )

Causative Form て-いただけませんか?

meaning : Can you please allow me to do … ?

You ask politely if someone will allow your action.

at work you ask your boss …

らいしゅう ははが にほんに くるので、しごとを やすませていただけませんか
( My mother is coming Japan next week, so can you allow me to take day off from work? )

at a restaurant you ask the stuff …

ここに スーツケースを おかせていただけませんか
( Can you please allow me if I put my suitcase here? )
けいたいでんわを じゅうでん させていただけませんか
( Can you please allow me to charge my phone? )

Causative Form te Form いただけませんか?

Let's say in Japanese !
Please touch “in Japanese” to see the answer.

1. The coach made the students swim.

in Japanese
コーチは がくせい およがせました

2. The mother made her son clean the room.

in Japanese
おかあさんは むすこ へや そうじ させました

3. Mr.Tanaka allowed his daughter to go to London for studying.

in Japanese
たなかさんは むすめさん ロンドンに りゅうがく させました

4. Can you please allow me to take a rest for a while ?

in Japanese
すこし やすませていただけませんか


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