Quiz : expressions using Verb te Form 32-4
Verb te Form おきます
will do it in advance
It means that you are going to do something for preparation. You’ll put into an action later.
Volitional Verbs are used.
– You’re going to travel Hawaii next month. Wha’t are you going to do for the preparation? –
みずぎを かっておきます。 mizugi [o] katte-okimasu. ( I’m going to buy a swimsuit. ) |
レストランを よやく しておきます。 resutoran [o] yoyaku shite-okimasu. ( I’m going to make a reservation at a restaurant. ) |
ハワイの ともだちに れんらく しておきます。 hawai [no] tomodachi [ni] renraku shite-okimasu. ( I’m going to contact my friend in Hawaii. ) |
for next use
It means that you’ll do it ( after you finish doing something ) for the purpose of the next use, or you’ll do it for the future benefit.
シャツを あらっておきます。 shatsu [o] aratte-okimasu. ( I’ll wash my shirts for next use. ) |
くつを みがいておきました。 kutsu [o] migaite-okimashita. ( I polished my shoes for next use. ) |
テーブルを ふいておいてください。 tēburu [o] fuite-kudasai. ( Please wipe a table for next use. ) |
わかいときから ちょきんをしておきます。 wakai-toki [kara] chokin [o] shite-okimasu. ( I’ll save money from a young age for the future. ) |
to leave it as it is
テレビを つけておきます。 terebi [o] tsukete-okimasu. ( I’ll keep TV on. ) |
あとで つかうので、その ほんは ここに おいておいてください。 ato [de] tsukau-node, sono hon [wa] koko [ni] oite-oitekudasai. ( Please leave the book here because I’ll use it later. ) |
Verb te Form おきます
Verb te Form あります
meaning : have already prepared
It means that you have already done something as a preparation.
あしたの かいぎの しりょうを もう つくってあります。 ashita [no] kaigi [no] shiryō [o] mō tsukutte-arimasu. ( I’ve already made documents for the meeting tomorrow. ) |
カレーの ざいりょうを かってあります。 karē [no] zairyō [o] katte-arimasu. ( I’ve already bought the ingredients for the curry. ) |
My friend is coming to my house, so I’m going to clean up tonight.
( will do in advance )
Please put the leftover milk in the refrigerator.
( for next use )
I’m still studying, so please keep a light on.
( to leave it as it is )
I’ve already checked how to go to the city from the hotel.
( have already prepared )

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