Grammar » 30-1

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Select the best answer.

きょう ( ) きのう ( ) さむいです。

Today is colder than yesterday.

すずきさんは たなかさん ( ) (  ) ながいです。

Ms.Suzuki has longer hair than Ms.Tanaka.

あかい シャツ ( ) あおい シャツ ( ) にあっていますよ。

The blue shirt fits you more than the red shirt.

くるまで いくの ( ) でんしゃで いくの ( ) (  ) やすいですか?

Which is cheaper going by car or going by train?

A : ひらがなと カタカナ ( ) (  ) むずかしいですか? B : カタカナ (  ) むずかしいです。

A : Which is more difficult Hiragana or Katakana? B : Katakana is more difficult.

けんたは いちろう (  ) あしが はやくありません。

Kenta is not as fast as Ichiro.

A : ここにあるフルーツ ( ) なにが いちばん すきですか? B : いちご ( ) いちばん すきです。

A : Which do you like most from these fruits? B : I like strawberries most.

クラス ( ) いちばん あたまが いいのは だれですか?

Who is the smartest in the class?

Noun-1 は Noun-2 より Adjective です

meaning : Noun-1 is more … than Noun-2.

You pick up something ( Noun-1 ) as a topic, and compare its degree with another thing ( Noun-2 ).
“より” is used to compare 2 things.

Noun-1 より Noun-2 のほうが

meaning : Noun-2 is more … than Noun-1.

You pick up 2 things to compare their degree, and you say one of those is “more … ” or “less … ” than another one.

Question & Answer

Noun-1 は Noun-2 ほど … ません

meaning : Noun-1 is not as … as Noun-2.

The degree of 2 things is not much different, but the degree of “Noun-1” can not reach the degree of “Noun-2”.

It should not be used to compare things which are completely different degree.

Both a car and a house is expensive

Noun が いちばん Adjective です

meaning : Noun is the most …

‘いちばん’ means ‘the most’ or ‘the best’.

‘ … で’ is used, when you say about the best ‘of all’. This ‘all’ means the whole thing that it can not be divided.

‘ … のなかで’ is used, when you say about the best from several things.

 Let's say in Japanese !

I like a yellow bag more than a green bag.

わたしは みどりの バッグより きいろの バッグ すきです。
watashi [wa] midori [no] baggu [yori] kīro [no] baggu [ga] suki-desu.

わたしは みどりの バッグより きいろの バッグのほうが すきです。
watashi [wa] midori [no] baggu [yori] kīro [no] baggu [no] hō [ga] suki-desu.

A : Which do you like Udon noodle or Soba noodle?
B : I prefer Udon noodle.

A : うどん そばと どちらが すきですか?
udon [to] soba [to] dochira [ga] suki-desuka?

B : うどんのほうが すきです。
udon [no] hō [ga] suki-desu.

Today is not as hot as yesterday.

きょう きのうほど あつくないです
kyō [wa] kinō [hodo] atsu-kunaidesu.

The highest mountain in Japan is Mt. Fuji.

にほん いちばん たかい やまは ふじさんです。
nihon [de] ichiban takai yama [wa] fujisan-desu.

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