Quiz : reported speech・quotes 25-3
Noun-1 という Noun-2
Please fill in the blanks.
( ) が きました。
A man named Mr.Yamashita came.
これは ( ) です。
This is a fish called Hirame.
もりさんたちは ( ) へ いきました。
Mr.Mori and other people have gone to a city called Sakura.
( ) を しっていますか?
Do you know a restaurant called ABC Kitchen?
Noun-1 という Noun-2
meaning : Noun-2 called Noun-1
“という” is used when a speaker or listener is not familiar with a name of a person, thing, or place.
じろうという おとこのこ jirō [to] iu otokonoko ( a boy named Jiro ) |
びわという くだもの biwa [to] iu kudamono ( a fruit called ‘biwa’ ) |
Let's say in Japanese !
I got a call from a lady named Ms.Yamamoto.
This is a vegetable called Gobo.
Have you ever been to a beach called Onjuku?
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