Quiz : reason & purpose 24-2
Verb Potential Form-ように
Noun のために
Verb Dictionary Form ため(に)
meaning : in order to
It means “for the purpose of doing something”.
“ため” and “ために” are the same meaning.Volitional verb is used.
It is a verb such as “eat, drink, write, study …”, which you do something with your intention.
あたらしい でんわを かうため(に) ちょきんを しています。 atarashī denwa [o] kau-tame ( ni ) chokin [o] shite-imasu, ( I’m saving money to buy a new phone. ) |
Verb Dictionary Form ため(に)
Verb Potential Form ように
meaning : so thatIt means “in order to make something possible”.
あたらしい でんわが かえるように ちょきんを しています。 atarashī denwa [ga] kaeru-yōni chokin [o] shite-imasu. ( I’m saving money so that I can buy a new phone. ) |
Verb Potential Form-ように
Verb Dictionary Form ように
meaning : so that
The verbs which mean “possible”, such as “みえます・きこえます”, or some non-volitional verbs, such as “まにあいます・なおります”, are used.
よく みえるように フォントを おおきくしてください。 yoku mieru-yōni fonto [o] ōki-ku-shite-kudasai. ( Please make the font size bigger so that I can see it. ) |
バスに まにあうように えきまで はしって いきます。 basu [ni] maniau-yōni eki [made] hashitte-iki-masu. ( I’ll run to the station to catch the bus. ) |
Verb Dictionary Form ように
Verb nai Form ように
meaning : to avoid
It means “in order not to”.
にほんごを わすれないように まいにち べんきょう します。 nihongo [o] wasurenai-yōni mainichi benkyō shi-masu. ( I study Japanese everyday in order not to forget. ) |
Verb nai Form ように
Noun のために
meaning : for someone・for something
It means “for someone’s or something’s benefit”.
かぞくのために まいにち りょうりを します。 kazoku [no] tame-ni mainichi ryōri [o] shi-masu. ( I cook everyday for my family. ) |
らいしゅうの やきゅうの しあいのために れんしゅう します。 raishū [no] yakyū [no] shiai [no] tame-ni renshū shi-masu. ( I practice baseball for the game next week. ) |
I came to Japan to attend my friend’s wedding.
I’ll go to bed earlier to recover from a cold soon.
I left home earlier in order not to be late.
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