Quiz : expressions related to time 22-4
Verb Dictionary Form ところです
meaning : about to do“ところです” is an expression to say what ”time point” it is at.
“Dictionary Form ところです” means “immediately before”. It will happen very soon.
( The game is about to start. )
It is not used when you expect that something will happen.
いまから あめが
( It will start raining from now. )
Verb Dictionary Form ところです
Verb te Form いるところです
meaning : It’s happening right now.“te Form いるところです” means “in progress”.
It is used when you emphasize what you’re doing right now.
( I’m eating lunch right now, so can you call me back later? )
It is not used with the verbs that refer to the “state”.
・しっています etc.
わたしは いま とうきょうに います。
( I’m in Tokyo right now. )
Verb te Form いるところです
Verb ta Form ところです
meaning : I just did …“ta Form ところです” means “immediately after”.
It is used when you want to say it’s finished only a short time ago.
( Did you eat lunch? )
B : はい、さっき たべたところです。
( Yes, I just ate a minute ago. )
Verb ta Form ところです
Verb ta Form ばかりです
meaning : I just did …“ta Form ばかりです” is also used when you want to say it’s finished a while ago.
( I just had lunch a while ago, so I’m full. )
Compared to “ta Form ところです”, “ta Form ばかりです” has broader range of time.
この くるまは きょねん かったばかりです。
( This car, I just bought last year. )
It was a year ago, but I feel it a short period of time.
PatternVerb ta Form ばかりです
Let’s Say in Japanese !!
1. I’m about to go out now.
2. My friend is coming later, so I’m cleaning up my room right now.
3. I just got home a minute ago.
4. I just came to Japan last year.
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