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for Beginners
Plain Form-かもしれません
Plain Form かもしれません
meaning : mayIt means that there is possibility. “かもしれません” is sometimes unsure, and sometimes quite sure.
あしたは あめかもしれません。あめじゃないかもしれません。
( It may rain tomorrow, but it may not rain. )
( It may rain tomorrow, but it may not rain. )
けさの おんどは 0ど なので、いけが こおるかもしれません。
( The temperature is 0 degree in this morning, so the pond may freeze. )
( The temperature is 0 degree in this morning, so the pond may freeze. )
Plain Form かもしれません
( na-Adjective
Let's say in Japanese !
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1. I’m in a traffic jam, so I may be late a little.
くるまが じゅうたいしていて、( )。
2. It may be sold at an electronics store in Akihabara, so I’ll check it.
あきはばらの でんきやに ( )、いっていみます。
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