Free Japanese Quiz
for Beginners
Frequency Adverbs
Degree Adverbs
Quantity Adverbs
Adverbs that modify Adjectives
Common Adverbs
Adverbial phrase
Frequency Adverbs
わたしは [ ] この パンを かいます。
( I buy this bread. )
( I buy this bread. )
よく ときどき | often sometimes |
わたしは [ ] テレビを みません。
( I don’t watch TV. )
( I don’t watch TV. )
あまり ぜんぜん | hardly ever never |
Degree Adverbs
[ ] わかりました。
( I understand. )
( I understand. )
よく だいたい すこし | well mostly a little |
わたしは にほんごが [ ] わかりません。
( I don’t understand Japanese. )
( I don’t understand Japanese. )
あまり ぜんぜん | not well not at all |
Quantity Adverbs
がくせいが [ ] います。
( There are students. )
( There are students. )
たくさん すこし | many a few / a little |
がくせいが [ ] いません。
( There aren’t students. )
( There aren’t students. )
あまり ぜんぜん | not much no |
Adverbs that modify Adjectives
きょうは [ ] あついです。
( It’s hot today. )
( It’s hot today. )
とても すこし | very a little |
きょうは [ ] あつくないです。
( It’s not hot today. )
( It’s not hot today. )
あまり ぜんぜん | not very much not at all |
Common Adverbs
もう まだ ずっと はじめて ゆっくり すぐ また たぶん | already yet all the time・always for the first time slowly shortly again・soon probably・perhaps |
Adverbial phrase
Many adjectives can be used as adverbs with form changing.
わたしは かみを みじかく きりました。
( I got my hair cut short. )
( I got my hair cut short. )
i-Adjective ( –
わたしたちは しずかに たべました。
( We ate quietly. )
( We ate quietly. )
na-Adjective – に
Let's say in Japanese !
Please touch “in Japanese” to see the answer.
1. I always walk to work, but I sometimes go by bicycle.
2. I can’t remember the name of that lady at all.
3. Please eat a lot.
4. It was very hot yesterday.
5. Please say slowly.
6. Please touch lightly.
7. The shop staff politely explained for me.
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