Quiz : adverb 10-1
Frequency Adverbs
Degree Adverbs
Quantity Adverbs
Adverbs that modify Adjectives
Common Adverbs
Adverbial phrase
Frequency Adverbs
わたしは ( ) この パンを かいます。 watashi ( ) kono pan [o] kai-masu. ( I buy this bread. ) |
よく yoku | often |
ときどき tokidoki | sometimes |
わたしは ( ) テレビを みません。 watashi ( ) terebi [o] mi-masen. ( I don’t watch TV. ) |
あまり amari | hardly ever |
ぜんぜん zenzen | never |
Degree Adverbs
( ) わかりました。 ( ) wakari-mashita. ( I understand. ) |
よく yoku | well |
だいたい daitai | mostly |
すこし sukoshi | a little |
わたしは にほんごが ( ) わかりません。 watashi [wa] nihongo [ga] ( ) wakari-masen. ( I don’t understand Japanese. ) |
あまり amari | not well |
ぜんぜん zenzen | not at all |
Quantity Adverbs
がくせいが ( ) います。 gakusei [ga] ( ) i-masu. ( There are students. ) |
たくさん takusan | many |
すこし sukoshi | a few / a little |
がくせいが ( ) いません。 gakusei [ga] ( ) i-masen. ( There aren’t students. ) |
あまり amari | not much |
ぜんぜん zenzen | no |
Adverbs that modify Adjectives
きょうは ( ) あついです。 kyō [wa] ( ) atsui-desu. ( It’s hot today. ) |
とても totemo | very |
すこし sukoshi | a little |
きょうは ( ) あつくないです。 kyō [wa] ( ) atsu-kunaidesu. ( It’s not hot today. ) |
あまり amari | not very much |
ぜんぜん zenzen | not at all |
Common Adverbs
もう mō | already |
まだ mada | yet |
ずっと zutto | all the time・always |
はじめて hajimete | for the first time |
ゆっくり yukkuri | slowly |
すぐ sugu | shortly |
また mata | again・soon |
たぶん tabun | probably・perhaps |
Adverbial phrase
Many adjectives can be used as adverbs with form changing.
わたしは かみを みじかく きりました。 watashi [wa] kami [o] mijika-ku kiri-mashita. ( I got my hair cut short. ) |
i-Adjective ( –
わたしたちは しずかに たべました。 watashitachi [wa] shizuka-ni tabe-mashita. ( We ate quietly. ) |
na-Adjective – に
Let's say in Japanese !
I always walk to work, but I sometimes go by bicycle.
I can’t remember the name of that lady at all.
Please eat a lot.
It was very hot yesterday.
Please say slowly.
Please touch lightly.
The shop staff politely explained for me.
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