Quiz : expressions of change 33-2
Verbない -くなります
Please change the verb forms, using “ようになります”.
– before –
わたしの むすめは やさいが きらいでした。
( My daughter used to hate vegetables. )
– now –
むすめは やさいが [ たべられます → ]。
( She can eat vegetables. )
– before –
( I could not swim. )
– now –
まいにち れんしゅうして [ およげます → ]。
( I practiced swimming everyday, and I can swim. )
– before –
まいあさ はやく おきていました。
( I used to get up early everyday. )
– now –
こうこうを そつぎょうして、はやく [ おきられません → ]。
( After I graduated from high school, I can’t get up early. )
– before –
さしみが すきでした。
( I used to like Sashimi. )
– now –
としを とって、さしみが [ たべられません → ]。
( As I got older, I can not eat Sashimi. )
Please change the verb forms, using “ようにします”.
にほんごで ほんを よみたいので、まいにち かんじを [ れんしゅう します → ]。
( I want to read books in Japanese, so I’ll get into a habit of practicing Kanji everyday. )
けんこうのため できるだけ [ あるきます → ]。
( I’ll try to walk as much as possible for my health. )
まだ がくせいなので あまり おかねを [ つかいません → ]。
( I’m still a student, so I’m trying not to spend too much money.
わたしは きけんな ところへは ぜったいに [ いきません → ]。
( I keep in mind that I never go to a dangerous area. )
へやに いない ときは でんきを [ けします → ]。
( Please turn off the light when you’re not in the room. )
Verb Dictionary Form ようになります
“なります” means that something changes.
It was “unable” before, but it is “able” now.
– before –
かんじが よめませんでした。
kanji [ga] yome-masendeshita.
( I could not read Kanji. )
– now –
かんじが よめるようになりました。
kanji [ga] yomeru-yōninarimashita.
( I can read Kanji. )
Verb Potential Form is often used with “ようになります”.
patternVerb Dictionary Form ようになります
( → Conjugation of Potential Form )
Verb nai Form くなります
It means the opposite of “Verb Dictionary Form ようになります”.
– before –
じどうはんばいきで ビールが かえました。
jidōhanbaiki [da] bīru [ga] kae-mashita.
( We were able to buy beer from a vending machine. )
– now –
じどうはんばいきで ビールが かえなくなりました。
jidōhanbaiki [da] bīru [ga] kaena-kunarimashita.
( We are not able to buy beer from a vending machine. )
Verb nai Form な
( → Conjugation of Potential Form )
Verb Dictionary Form ようにしています
You do something as a habit or do it with your continuous effort. Volitional Verbs are used.
まいあさ バナナを たべるようにしています。 maiasa banana [o] taberu-yōni-shite-imasu ( I try to eat banana in the morning. ) |
にほんごで テレビを みるようにしています。 nihongo [de] terebi [o] miru-yōni-shite-imasu ( I try to watch TV in Japanese. ) |
ようにしています : You already do it as a habit.
やさいを たくさん たべるようにしています。 yasai [o] takusan taberu-yōni-shite-imasu. ( I always try to eat vegetable a lot. ) |
ようにします : You decide to do it while you’re talking.
これから やさいを たくさん たべるようにします。 korekara yasai [o] takusan taberu-yōni-shimasu. ( I’ll try to eat vegetable a lot from now on. ) |
The following adverbs are used together
できるだけ dekirudake | as much as possible |
かならず kanarazu | definitely・absolutely |
ぜったいに zettaini | definitely・absolutely |
できるだけ はやく おきるようにします。 dekirudake haya-ku okiru-yōni-shimasu ( I’ll try to wake up early as much as possible. ) |
Verb Dictionary Form ようにします
Verb nai Form ようにします
It means the opposite. You try not to do something.
わたしは にくを たべないようにしています。 watashi [wa] niku [o] tabenai-yōni-shite-imasu. ( I try not to eat meat. ) |
わたしは できるだけ エレベーターを つかわないようにしています。 watashi [wa] dekirudake erebētā [o] tsukawanai-yōni-shite-imasu. ( I try not to use an elevator as much as possible. ) |
Verb nai Form ようにします
Verb DIctionary Form ようにしてください
Vertb nai Form ようにしてください
It is an expression that instructs someone to do something politely.
まいにち さんじゅっぷん あるくようにしてください。 mainichi sanjuppun aruku-yōni-shite-kudasai. ( Please try to walk for 30 minutes everyday. ) |
きょうしつでは にほんご いがいで はなさないようにしてください。 kyōshitsu [dewa] nihongo igai [de] hanasanai-yōni-shite-kudasai. ( Please try to not to speak other than Japanese. ) |
できるだけ にほんごの テレビを みるようにしてください。 dekirudake nihongo [no] terebi [o] miru-yōni-shite-kudasai. ( Please try to watch TV in Japanese as much as possible. ) |
“ようにしてください” is an expression to give instructions and requests indirectly and politely.
It is used to say for things that you always have to keep in mind.
ここに なまえを かいてください。 koko [ni] namae [o] kaite-kudasai. ( Please write your name here. ) |
ここで しゃしんを とらないでください。 koko [de] shashin [o] toranaide-kudasai. ( Please do not take a picture here. ) |
“てください” is an expression to give instructions and requests directly.
It is used to say for things that you must do it right then.
My son is able to ride a bicycle now.
( My son was not able to ride a bicycle before. )
I can not drink coffee recently.
( I used to like drinking coffee before. )
I try to use stairs as much as possible.
I try not to ride an elevator.
Please do not drive a car on a snowy day as much as possible.
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