Quiz : expressions using Verb te Form 32-5
Verbて Verb-ます
Verbない-で Verb-ます
Verbない-で Verb-ます
Verb te Form Verb-ます
meaning : with the situation
Verbて (1) Verbます(2)
It means that you do something (2) with the situation of Verb (1).
まどを あけて ねます。 mado [o] akete ne-masu. ( I completed the action of opening a window, and I sleep in that situation. ) |
めがねを かけて ほんを よみます。 megane [o] kakete hon [o] yomi-masu. ( I completed the action of wearing glasses, and I read a book in that situation. ) |
でんきを つけて ねます。 denki [o] tsukete nemasu. ( I sleep with a light on. ) |
シートベルトを して うんてん します。 shīto-beruto [o] shite unten shi-masu. ( I drive with wearing a seatbelt. ) |
きょうは ゆきなので、ぼうしを かぶって でかけました。 kyō [wa] yuki-na-node, bōshi [o] kabutte dekake-mashita. ( It was snowing today, so I went out with wearing a cap. ) |
Verb te Form Verb-ます
おんがくを ききながら べんきょう します。 ongaku [o] kiki-nagara benkyō shi-masu. ( I study while I’m listening to music. ) |
It means that one person does 2 actions at the same time.
( for more details → 22-3 )
Verbない-で Verb-ます – 1
meaning : without the situation
Verbないで (1) Verbます(2)
It means that you do something (2) without the situation of Verb (1).
わたしは コーヒーに さとうを いれないで のみます。 watashi [wa] kōhī [ni] satō [o] irenai-de nomi-masu. ( I drink coffee without sugar in it. ) |
きょうは あたたかいので、ジャケットを きないで でかけます。 kyō [wa] atatakai-node, jaketto [o] kinaide dekake-masu. ( It’s warm today, so I’ll go out without a jacket. ) |
Verb nai Form で Verb-ます
Verbない-で Verb-ます – 2
meaning : do … instead of …
Verbないで (1) Verbます(2)
It means that you do something else (2) instead of doing something (1).
えいがは みないで こうえんへ いきます。 eiga [wa] minaide kōen [e] iki-masu. ( I go to a park instead of watching a movie. ) |
パンは たべないで ごはんを たべます。 pan [wa] tabenaide gohan [o] tabe-masu. ( I eat rice instead of bread. ) |
Let's say in Japanese !
I eat Sushi with putting Wasabi on it.
I always sleep without turning off the light.
I bought shoes instead of clothes.

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