Quiz : dependent clause 29-1
Verb Plain Form のは Noun です
Verb Plain Form のは Noun です
meaning : It is Noun that …
This sentence pattern is like “cleft sentence” in English.
“Noun” is an information that you want to emphasize.
はなこは ケーキを つくっています
hanako [wa] kēki [o] tsukutte-imasu.
はなこが つくっているのは ケーキです。
hanako [ga] tsukutte-iru [nowa] kēki-desu.
( It is a cake that Hanako is making. )
The clause of “-のは” is a dependent clause, and the subject in a dependent clause is marked by “が” not “は”.
わたしは パンを かいました
watashi [wa] pan [o] kai-mashita.
わたしが パンを かったのは きのうです。
watashi [wa] pan [o] katta [nowa] kinō-desu.
( It is yesterday that I bought bread. )
Tense of the main clause is “Noun です ( Present )” in general, even though it happened in the past.
わたしが にほんに きたのは 9さいのときです。 watashi [ga] nihon [ni] kita [nowa] kyū-sai [no] toki-desu. ( I came to Japan when I was 9 years old. ) |
Verb Plain Form のは Noun です
It was in Tokyo that we met.
It is tomorrow that the package will arrive.
package : にもつ / to arrive : とどきます

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