Free Japanese Quiz
for Beginners
expressions related to time
Vertbます -ながら
Noun のあいだ
Noun のあいだに
Verbます ながら
meaning : while
It means that one person does 2 actions at the same time.
The action after “ながら” is a main action.
テレビを みながら ごはんを たべます。
( I eat while watching TV. )
( I eat while watching TV. )
It can be used to say a long term situation.
はたらきながら だいがくで べんきょう しました。
( I studied at university while working. )
( I studied at university while working. )
Noun のあいだ
meaning : duringIt means a period of time, from the beginning of “the Noun”, to the end of “the Noun”.
たなかさんは まいとし ふゆの あいだ ハワイへ いっています。
( Ms.Tanaka stays in Hawai during the winter every year. )
( Ms.Tanaka stays in Hawai during the winter every year. )
Noun のあいだに
meaning : duringIf “に” is added to “あいだ”, it means “at a point in a period of time”.
やすみじかんの あいだに コーヒーを かいにいきました。
( I went to buy coffee during a break. )
( I went to buy coffee during a break. )
やすみじかんの あいだ ずっと ねていました。
( I was sleeping all the time of a break. )
( I was sleeping all the time of a break. )
Let's say in Japanese !
Please touch “in Japanese” to see the answer.
1. I always drive while listening to music.
2. I’ll practice skiing everyday during the winter.
3. I traveled to Okinawa during the summer vacation.
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