Quiz : expressions related to time 22-2
Noun のまえに
Noun のあと(で)
Verb Dictionary Form まえに
meaning : before doing …Verb (1) まえに、Verbます(2)
It means “I do(2) … before I do(1) … “.
ねるまえに はを みがきます。
( I brush my teeth before I go to bed. )
( I brush my teeth before I go to bed. )
Verb Dictionary Form まえに
Noun のまえに
meaning : before Nounテストのまえに べんきょう しました。
( I studied before an exam. )
( I studied before an exam. )
Verb ta Form あと(で)
meaning : after doing …Verb (1) あと(で)、Verbます(2)
It means “I do(2) … after I do(1) … “.
ひるごはんを たべたあと さんぽに いきました。
( I took a walk after I ate lunch. )
( I took a walk after I ate lunch. )
“あとで” is also used.
ひるごはんを たべたあとで さんぽに いきました。
( I took a walk after I ate lunch. )
( I took a walk after I ate lunch. )
However, “あとで” can not be used when you talk about the “state” in the sentence that follows “あと”.
あめが ふったあとで、そらが とても きれいです。
あめが ふったあと、そらが とても きれいです。
( After raining, the sky is very beautiful. )
あめが ふったあと、そらが とても きれいです。
( After raining, the sky is very beautiful. )
Verb ta Form あと(で)
Noun のあと(で)
meaning : after Nounきょうは しごとの あと(で) かいものに いきます。
( I’m going shopping after work today. )
( I’m going shopping after work today. )
Verb te Form から
meaning : after doingVerb-て (1) から、Verbます(2)
I do(2) … after I do(1) … You emphasizes that the action of Verb(1) should or must be done first.
It is used in the same meaning as “あと(で)”.
ぎんこうに よってから、かいしゃへ いきます。
( I’ll stop by at a bank, then go to the office. )
( I’ll stop by at a bank, then go to the office. )
しゅくだいを してから、テレビを みなさい。
( You should do homework before you watch TV. )
( You should do homework before you watch TV. )
Verb te Form から
Let’s Say in Japanese !!
1. I always drink herbal tea before going to bed.
2. I’ll go out after cleaning my room.
2. I study before dinner.
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